Sunday, November 2, 2008

Halloween '08

We had a great Halloween this year, our tradition is to go Trick or Treating at the mall with our cousins and then go to G-ma Ann's Halloween party. Trick or Treating was fun because this year Dan was home to come with us(was out of the country last 2 years) we also had our friends the Fitch's with us. This year was the first year that the boys went Trick or Treating out in the neighborhood and the boys had a blast and came home with a ton of candy. We all had a great time at G-ma Ann's party and played all night, we got home around 11:00 and the boys went straight to bed only to wake up a few hours later throwing up(yes both got sick) so we had a very long night with sick boys.


Jamie said...

Aww..the Whitney's are so cute:)
It was fun!

Liz said...

Thanks again for the invite, we love your party.

Nicole said...

What are they looking at in the one picture? It's so cute!

Jim and Jana Bramble said...

wow, sounds like a big fun party

The Oldroyd's said...

Your boys looked so cute. Too bad they got sick, did they eat too much candy? Brooklynn woke up a few times but she was scared. We had fun seeing you at Ann's house.

Tiffany Anderson said...

That sucks that they were sick. I hope they are feeling better. They both looked awesome in their costumes.

Jen said...

ooh! poor they don't get to eat all their candy! hopefully they'll get better soon!

Kaarina said...

So Ryken and Jason had the same little pirate costume, love it! What cute little nuggets they are, so fun!

Brooke said...

Such cute costumes! Your kids are darling.